Vіd A do Ya Провідна рекламна компанія в Західному регіоні



The mission of “Vid A do Ya” group of companies is to become a reliable partner for our clients, and to grant them high-quality services in the field of printing, design and creative solutions.


The strategy of the company is purposeful and confident step forward through innovative solutions, investments and flexible client management.

“Vid A do Ya”

is the headlining company at the Western region of Ukraine in the printing branch, advertisement and design, which supports the leading quality standarts.

In work which “Vid A do Ya” does, accents affixed to flexible pricing and attentive customer management.

We have
individual approach

to each customer.Everyone is valuable for us!

All our customers are taking advantage of an wide spectrum of individual solutions.

Our main
strength is the
devoted team

which loves the work done by them. “Vid A do Ya” unites the professionals who make the life easier for hundreds customers all over the Ukraine. We successfully combined the experience and ambitions of young specialists, who are targeted at achieving maximum results and objectives.


Assets of the company consists of fifteen equipment items of foreign origin (Germany, USA, Czech Republic, Sweden).

Company is fully equipped with finishing processes; office is comfortably located in the city centre and also fully assured for its most productive working process.

For designer’s most effective work, our design studio has most modern computers available for usage.


Formed base of customers accumulated by running-years experience on the market, registered trademark, possible development prospects in franchising, spread network of partners which actively develops, credit lines and overdraft are available, highly qualified and gathered staff, highly organized HR – system, innovative website, Each staff member has his duties written in Regulations, good reputation among the customers.