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Wide format printing

printerWide format inkjet printing used to print information on very large areas of different material (film, banner mesh, cloth, grid, etc.). This type of printing is usually used for the producing of outdoor advertising media, such as  billboards, citylights, road extensions, banners and self-adhesive film Oracal with its further usage on windows or vehicles.

“Vid A do Ya” Group of Companies offers such materials for wide format printing:

  • Self-adhesive films Oracal and OneWayVision;
  • Banner and fabric mesh;
  • Paper, canvas, wallpapers.


Wide format printing allows you to create images of various formats. This is one of the most convenient and affordable technology that allows to create full-color images of different sizes.

There is solvent or ecosolvent types of  printing. Solvent is mainly used for printing outdoor wide format images which are viewed at distance. Resolution of this prints is up to 360 dpi. If it is necessary to print more fractional image, then ekosolvent printing is used. It has resolution of 1440 dpi. Relatively wide format printing is divided into two categories for applications: Interior prints and outdoor advertisement.

The advantages of our wide format printing:

  • Making images both standard and custom sizes.
  • High quality of prints.
  • Quick production.
  • Urgent production on the request of the customer.